Document 2077 DOCN M94A2077 TI The gay and lesbian client in substance abuse treatment: creating a welcoming environment. DT 9412 AU Hart JE; Victory Programs, Mobile AIDS Resource Team, Boston,; Massachusetts. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):386 (abstract no. PD0153). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370498 AB OBJECTIVE: Ignorance, prejudice, denial, and stigma all affect both the ways in which addicts are perceived by the larger society as well as the ways in which addicts perceive themselves. When alcoholics and drug addicts are also gay or lesbian, the stigma is intensified and the struggles they face are almost overwhelming. This workshop was designed to give substance abuse providers a tool to make their work with gay and lesbian addicts more effective. METHODS: A five hour interactive workshop was designed to assist substance providers in examining their KAB related to gay and lesbian addicts. A safe space is created and providers participate in a number of interactive exercises in which attitudes and beliefs are examined. Sexual identity issues, the impact of homophobia on the client, the client's defenses against homophobia, the stages of forming a gay and/or lesbian identity and direct treatment issues for gay and lesbian clients are also presented, using a didactic method. RESULTS: Provider's knowledge about homosexuality is increased, attitudes and levels of acceptance are challenged, access to drug treatment for gay and lesbian clients is augmented, and client's response to treatment is improved. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Changing the substance abuse provider's KAB about gay and lesbian clients is just as important as changing the client's KAB about him/herself in order to increase the gay and lesbian client's access to drug treatment, and to sensitize treatment providers so that they are able to respond to clients more effectively and compassionately. DE Female Health Education Homosexuality/*PSYCHOLOGY Human HIV Infections/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/PSYCHOLOGY/TRANSMISSION *Inservice Training Male Prejudice Professional-Patient Relations *Social Environment Substance Abuse Treatment Centers Substance Abuse, Intravenous/PSYCHOLOGY/*REHABILITATION MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).